Feature: Example feature







100.0 %


0.0 %
Total duration:
0m 14.552s

Scenario: As a first user I say hi to a second user

Given I wait 0m 2.004s
Then I press view with id "button_BluetoothPlay" 0m 0.669s
Then I press view with id "button_StartNewTable" 0m 0.612s
Then I press view with id "enter_your_name_editText_btpreplay" 0m 0.678s
Then I press view with id "button_pre_single_x_btpreplay" 0m 0.621s
Then I enter user "Test1" 0m 0.538s
Then I hide my keyboard 0m 0.089s
Then I press view with id "button_start_playing_bluetooth" 0m 0.542s
Then I wait 0m 2.005s
Then I see the text "Test2" 0m 0.219s
Then I press view with id "btnGrid11" 0m 0.646s
Then I send a signal to user 2 containing "first_move" 0m 0.067s
Then I wait for a signal containing "second_move" for 30 seconds 0m 2.197s
Then I press view with id "btnGrid22" 0m 0.601s
Then I send a signal to user 2 containing "third_move" 0m 0.047s
Then I wait for a signal containing "fourth_move" for 30 seconds 0m 2.193s
Then I press view with id "btnGrid33" 0m 0.631s
Then I see the text "1" 0m 0.194s


Given I wait
Then I press view with id "button_BluetoothPlay"
Then I press view with id "button_StartNewTable"
Then I press view with id "enter_your_name_editText_btpreplay"
Then I press view with id "button_pre_single_x_btpreplay"
Then I enter user "Test1"
Then I hide my keyboard
Then I press view with id "button_start_playing_bluetooth"
Then I wait
Then I see the text "Test2"
Then I press view with id "btnGrid11"
Then I send a signal to user 2 containing "first_move"
Then I wait for a signal containing "second_move" for 30 seconds
Then I press view with id "btnGrid22"
Then I send a signal to user 2 containing "third_move"
Then I wait for a signal containing "fourth_move" for 30 seconds
Then I press view with id "btnGrid33"
Then I see the text "1"