Feature: Example feature







100.0 %


0.0 %
Total duration:
0m 13.432s

Scenario: As a first user I say hi to a second user

Given I touch the "Log in" text 0m 0.464s
Then I press view with id "email" 0m 0.417s
Then I clear input field with id "email" 0m 1.086s
Then I enter email "testKraken@gmail.com" 0m 0.284s
Then I hide my keyboard 0m 0.063s
Then I press view with id "primary_button" 0m 0.734s
Then I press view with id "use_password_button" 0m 1.037s
Then I press view with id "password" 0m 0.415s
Then I enter password "1234qwer%" 0m 0.312s
Then I hide my keyboard 0m 0.061s
Then I press view with id "action_button" 0m 0.398s
Then I press view with id "topnav_account_button_img_active" 0m 1.344s
Then I press view with id "composer_fab" 0m 0.377s
Then I press view with id "compose_post_text" 0m 0.373s
Then I wait 0m 2.003s
Then I press view with id "text" 0m 0.387s
Then I wait 0m 2.005s
Then I enter text "My title" 0m 0.265s
Then I click on screen 50% from the left and 50% from the top 0m 0.692s
Then I enter text "My text" 0m 0.287s
Then I press view with id "action_button" 0m 0.354s
Then I send a signal to user 1 containing "created_post" 0m 0.073s


Given I touch the "Log in" text
Then I press view with id "email"
Then I clear input field with id "email"
Then I enter email "testKraken@gmail.com"
Then I hide my keyboard
Then I press view with id "primary_button"
Then I press view with id "use_password_button"
Then I press view with id "password"
Then I enter password "1234qwer%"
Then I hide my keyboard
Then I press view with id "action_button"
Then I press view with id "topnav_account_button_img_active"
Then I press view with id "composer_fab"
Then I press view with id "compose_post_text"
Then I wait
Then I press view with id "text"
Then I wait
Then I enter text "My title"
Then I click on screen 50% from the left and 50% from the top
Then I enter text "My text"
Then I press view with id "action_button"
Then I send a signal to user 1 containing "created_post"