Blank Map (BM)

ECn Categories > Lost Content (LC) > Blank Map (BM)

It refers to cases in which an app provides a map functionality, and due to lack of connection, the map is blank (i.e., does not show any layer of the map) and there is no message notifying the issue.

Amount of Issues App List
6 (A6) PressureNet, (A33) OpenBikeSharing, (A34) c:geo, (A35) PAT Track



Category: Entertainment
v 2017.08.23
Scenario: To open the live map without internet connection
This video shows an example of a blank map. At 3rd second the user starts the app, the main view with a title that says "Live Map" is displayed, but the content of the view is a blank image that correspond to a map.

The following code snippets show the classes and files that are involved in the generation of the previuos issue.

In order to see how this error is generated, we need to review the complete flow event. First, as is shown in the following snippet at line 430 the layout used for the activity is retrieved, as it can be seen in the video the map provider is google, then the layout must be the google layout xml. Nevertheless as it can be seen in the snippet there is no validation of the connecton state before loading the map, therefore the map due to the connectionless state will not load.


     // set layout
430. activity.setContentView(mapProvider.getMapLayoutId());
     // initialize map
     mapView = (MapViewImpl) activity.findViewById(mapProvider.getMapViewId());
     mapView.setOnDragListener(new MapDragListener(this));