Non-Existent Result Notification (NRN)

ECn Categories > Non-Existent Result Notification (NRN)

The app does not show any result or message indicating that (i) the action carried out by the user or by the system was performed successfully, or (ii) the user must execute a retry/refresh action. It seems that nothing happened.

Non-existent Notification of Retrying an Action (NNRA) »

The app does not show any message that indicates that the user should retrying the action.

Non-existent Notification of Queued Process (NNQP) »

There was an unexpected background process which produced a result, and it was not informed to the user.

Non-existent Notification of Problem when Performing an Action (NNPPA) »

The app does not show any result or message indicating that the action carried out by the user was not performed successfully because of a connectivity problem . It seems that nothing happened.

Non-existent Notification of an Issue while Downloading Content (NNDC) »

The app does not show anything indicating that the required content is being downloaded. It seems that nothing happened.