const walk = require('babylon-walk')
const debug = require('debug')('mutode:numericLiteralsMutator')
const mutantRunner = require('../mutantRunner')
const lineDiff = require('../util/lineDiff')
* @description Mutates numeric literals values.
* Numeric literals are mutated to *value + 1*, *value - 1*, *random value*, and 0 if not previously 0.
* @function numericLiteralsMutator
* @memberOf module:Mutators
module.exports = async function numericLiteralsMutator ({mutodeInstance, filePath, lines, queue, ast}) {
debug('Running numeric literals mutator on %s', filePath)
walk.simple(ast, {
NumericLiteral (node) {
const line = node.loc.start.line
const lineContent = lines[line - 1]
const newValues = []
if (node.value !== 0) newValues.push(0)
if (node.value !== 1) newValues.push(node.value - 1)
newValues.push(node.value + 1)
newValues.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000))
for (const newValue of newValues) {
const mutantLineContent = lineContent.substr(0, node.loc.start.column) +
newValue +
const mutantId = ++mutodeInstance.mutants
const diff = lineDiff(lineContent, mutantLineContent)
const log = `MUTANT ${mutantId}:\tNLM Line ${line}:\t${diff}...`
mutodeInstance.mutantLog(`MUTANT ${mutantId}:\tNLM ${filePath} Line ${line}:\t\`${lineContent.trim()}\` > \`${mutantLineContent.trim()}'\``)
const linesCopy = lines.slice()
linesCopy[line - 1] = mutantLineContent
const contentToWrite = linesCopy.join('\n')
queue.push(mutantRunner({mutodeInstance, filePath, contentToWrite, log}))