const async = require('async')
const babylon = require('babylon')
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const debug = require('debug')('mutode')
const del = require('del')
const fs = require('fs')
const globby = require('globby')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const prettyMs = require('pretty-ms')
const copyDir = require('recursive-copy')
const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')
const {promisify} = require('util')
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
* Mutode's main class
class Mutode {
* Create a new Mutode instance
* @param opts {Object}
* @param {array<string>} [opts.paths = ['index.js', 'src/']] - Glob matched paths or files to mutate
* @param {number} [opts.concurrency = # of cpu cores] - Number of concurrent workers
* @param {array<string>} [opts.mutators = All]- Mutators to load (e.g. *deletion*)
* @returns {Mutode} - Returns an instance of mutode
constructor ({paths = [], concurrency = os.cpus().length, mutators = ['*']} = {}) {
if (!Array.isArray(paths)) paths = [paths]
if (!Array.isArray(mutators)) mutators = [mutators]
if (paths.length === 0) paths = ['index.js', 'src/']
debug('Config:\n\tFile paths %o\n\tConcurrency: %s\n\tMutators: %s', paths, concurrency, mutators)
this.filePaths = globby.sync(paths)
debug('Globbed files %o', this.filePaths)
if (this.filePaths.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No files found in the specified paths')
} = `${Math.floor( / 10000)}`
this.npmCommand = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm'
this.mutators = mutators
this.concurrency = concurrency
this.mutants = 0
this.killed = 0
this.survived = 0
this.discarded = 0
this.coverage = 0
this.workers = {}
for (let i = 0; i < this.concurrency; i++) {
this.workers[i] = true
this.mutantsLogFile = fs.createWriteStream(path.resolve(`.mutode/mutants-${}.log`), {flags: 'w'})
this.logFile = fs.createWriteStream(path.resolve(`.mutode/mutode-${}.log`), {flags: 'w'})
this.mutantLog = string => this.mutantsLogFile.write(`${stripAnsi(string.trim())}\n`)
console.logSame = s => {
console.log = (s = '') => {
* Run current instance
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves once this instance's execution is completed.
async run () {
if (this.mutants > 0) throw new Error('This instance has already been executed')
console.log(`Mutode ${} running`)
await this.delete()
const startTime = process.hrtime()
try {
await this.copyFirst()
this.mutators = await Mutode.loadMutants(this.mutators)
this.timeout = await this.timeCleanTests()
debug('Setting mutant runner timeout to %s seconds', this.timeout / 1000)
this.copied = this.copy()
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
async.eachSeries(this.filePaths, this.fileProcessor(), this.done(resolve, reject))
} catch (e) {
throw e
} finally {
await this.delete()
const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime)
const endTimeMS = endTime[0] * 1e3 + endTime[1] / 1e6
console.log(`Mutode ${} finished. Took ${prettyMs(endTimeMS)}`)
* Function that returns an async function to process one file binded to the instance scope.
* @private
* @returns {function(filePath)} - Async function that runs instance's mutators and executes generated mutants for one file.
fileProcessor () {
return async filePath => {
debug('Creating mutants for %s', filePath)
const before = this.mutants
const queue = async.queue(async task => {
const i = await this.freeWorker()
debug('Running task in worker %d', i)
await task(i)
this.workers[i] = true
debug('Finished running task in worker %d', i)
}, this.concurrency)
this.copied.then(() => {
console.log(`Running mutants for ${filePath}`)
const fileContent = (await readFile(filePath)).toString()
const lines = fileContent.split('\n')
let ast
try {
ast = babylon.parse(fileContent)
} catch (e) {
try {
ast = babylon.parse(fileContent, {sourceType: 'module'})
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Couldn't parse AST for file ${filePath}`)
throw e
for (const mutator of this.mutators) {
debug('Running mutator %s',
const before = this.mutants
await mutator({mutodeInstance: this, filePath, lines, queue, ast})
const generated = this.mutants - before
debug('Mutator %s generated %d mutants',, generated)
const generated = this.mutants - before
debug('%d mutants generated for %s', generated, filePath)
await new Promise(resolve => {
const resolveWhenDone = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.concurrency; i++) {
fs.writeFileSync(`.mutode/mutode-${}-${i}/${filePath}`, fileContent) // Reset file to original content
if (queue.length() === 0) {
return this.copied.then(() => {
debug('Adding drain function to queue %d', queue.length())
queue.drain = () => {
debug(`Finished %s`, filePath)
* Promise handler that returns a function that runs when mutants execution is completed.
* @private
* @param resolve {function} - Promise resolve handler
* @returns {function} - Function that runs when mutants execution is completed.
done (resolve, reject) {
return err => {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
console.log(`Out of ${this.mutants} mutants, ${this.killed} were killed, ${this.survived} survived and ${this.discarded} were discarded`)
this.coverage = +((this.mutants > 0 ? this.killed : 1) / ((this.mutants - this.discarded) || 1) * 100).toFixed(2)
console.log(`Mutant coverage: ${this.coverage}%`)
* Function that returns the index of the first worker that is free.
* @private
async freeWorker () {
for (let i = 0; i < this.concurrency; i++) {
if (this.workers[i]) {
this.workers[i] = false
return i
* Times the AUT's test suite execution.
* @private
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves once AUT's test suite execution is completed.
async timeCleanTests () {
console.log(`Verifying and timing your test suite`)
const start = +new Date()
const child = spawn(this.npmCommand, ['test'], {cwd: path.resolve(`.mutode/mutode-${}-0`)})
child.stderr.on('data', data => {
child.stdout.on('data', data => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
child.on('exit', code => {
if (code !== 0) return reject(new Error('Test suite most exit with code 0 with no mutants for Mutode to continue'))
const diff = +new Date() - start
const timeout = Math.max(Math.ceil(diff / 1000) * 2500, 5000)
console.log(`Took ${(diff / 1000).toFixed(2)} seconds to run full test suite\n`)
* Synchronous load of mutators.
* @private
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves with the loaded mutators
static async loadMutants (mutatorsNames) {
console.logSame('Loading mutators... ')
let mutatorsPaths = => `mutators/${m}Mutator.js`)
const mutators = []
const mutatorsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'mutators/')
mutatorsPaths = await globby(mutatorsPaths, {cwd: __dirname, absolute: true})
for (const mutatorPath of mutatorsPaths) {
debug('Loaded mutator %s', mutatorPath.replace(mutatorsPath + '/', '').replace('Mutator.js', ''))
return mutators
* Creates a an exact copy of the AUT.
* @private
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves once the copy is created.
async copyFirst () {
console.logSame(`Creating a copy of your module... `)
await copyDir('./', `.mutode/mutode-${}-0`, {dot: true, filter: p => !p.startsWith('.')})
* Creates <i>this.concurrency<i/> exact copies of the AUT.
* @private
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves once the copies are created.
async copy () {
if (this.concurrency === 1) return
console.logSame(`Creating ${this.concurrency - 1} extra copies of your module... `)
for (let i = 1; i < this.concurrency; i++) {
console.logSame(`${i}.. `)
await copyDir('./', `.mutode/mutode-${}-${i}`, {dot: true, filter: p => !p.startsWith('.')})
* Creates the <i>.mutode</i> folder to save logs.
* @private
static mkdir () {
* Deletes available copies of the AUT.
* @private
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves once copies have been deleted.
async delete () {
const toDelete = await globby(`.mutode/*`, {dot: true, onlyDirectories: true})
if (toDelete.length === 0) return
console.logSame('Deleting copies...')
for (const path of toDelete) {
await del(path, {force: true})
* @module Mutators
module.exports = Mutode