
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Automated Tests
Automated Tests
Both web and mobile apps, are fundamental part of the daily life of people. Therefore, the impact of an error in an app could produce anger and affect directly life and health of people. One way to mitigate this, is through the usage of sistematic test processes that take advantage of automation to reduce time and improve the understanding of possible errors. This course will present to the students the current methodologies to exploit automated test processes, and the available tools to execute web and mobile oriented tests. In this class student will both learn and use the state-of-the-art automated test approaches.


Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
This class looks up to generate the needed skills to design and develop technological solutions using mobile platforms. Therefore, specific topics as: mobile devices behaviour, mobile infraestructure, mobile environment infraestructure and the mobile development process, are studied through this course.
Data Structures
This course looks up to create abilities in designing and handling data structures in main memory. It improves the student skills for proposing and defending the design of data structures to solve a problem, using as argument the algorith complexity, memory space usage and its flexibility


Web App Development
The purpose of the course, for the student, is to acquire practical experience in development using web technologies. The class studies the evolution and milestones that web development had since its beginning, from both technologies point of view and new requirements of apps. Along with several projects to practice the learned technologies.
Data Structures
This course looks up to create abilities in designing and handling data structures in main memory. It improves the student skills for proposing and defending the design of data structures to solve a problem, using as argument the algorith complexity, memory space usage and its flexibility